Book Review: Mort by Terry Pratchett


The persona we often associate with death is dark and terrifying, but what if he had a sense of humor and was in the market for a new apprentice? In this fourth book of the Discworld series, Pratchett introduces us to Mort, the youngest son of a vintner who is more of a burden to his family than a boon. On his brother’s advice, the vintner decides to take Mort to a hiring fair. What follows for young Mort is an unbelievable opportunity to work as death’s apprentice.

This has been one of my favorite Discworld novels to date, and if the difficulty I had tracking it down is any indication, I would say many others thoroughly enjoyed it as well.

In his usual way, Pratchett takes us on a wild adventure in this world he created. While sometimes I find his writing style difficult to follow (I still struggle with the lack of chapter breaks), he does an excellent job painting a picture of Death (the persona) in a way many wouldn’t consider. 

There is a philosophical aspect to this book that I enjoyed, mulling over the concepts of fate and our ability or not to influence it. Sometimes I wonder which would be an easier pill to swallow. Is everything predetermined by fate and we are powerless to stop our destiny? Or, is the entire symphony of our life written by our own hands, and everything that happens to us a consequence of our own choices, and no one else’s? Maybe it’s a combination of the two.

Whether it is fate that demands it or your good judgment, read this book.

Published by ATL Doyle

Author, philosopher, military wife, and mother of four boys, in my free time (haha, what is that?), I am a voracious reader and lover of large cups of tea. While I enjoy reading everything, my favorite genre is fantasy. Some of my hobbies include reading and reviewing books on various online platforms, entering writing competitions, feeding the crows that visit my home, and overthinking. I have dabbled in short stories and writing poetry, publishing a small book of my poems in 2022, with an independent publisher. I enjoy keeping the world up-to-date on my writing, reading, and random thoughts on my blog.